Internet MarketingSelling Online

How to make $1,000 or more per month online from affiliate marketing? An intro to an upcoming exciting CASE STUDY video session.

By: Brendan Fitzpatrick


There are many ways to earn money online, you can sell products on or, sell multiple products using a storefront solution such as or by opening a virtual storefront by one of the 1,000’s of solutions online.

Another way to earn lot’s of money is through affiliate marketing, in general the more traffic you receive the more money you will earn. I won’t differentiate between niche sites vs. high traffic general sites – I will focus on Google’s Adsense solution which is smart enough to target your visitors. So whether you want to target users interested in a single topic or product (highly targeted traffic) or you want to bring as much traffic in as possible (with no particular interest) the concepts in this article equally apply.

This article is for people with medium to advanced skills in HTML and SEO design. I will touch on the major areas that impact earnings but this article is also an introduction to a free interactive video series that I intend to offer in the near future.. so write down your questions and follow my blog to see how I try to double my monthly earnings by creating a second web site following all of the same rules that I applied to my first website.. it took me 8 years to earn $4,000/month on my first site ($0 profit first 8 years, all traffic building and then exponential profit on a monthly basis for past 12 months) and I’m trying to do the same with my second site in 6 months and I will keep nothing private or secret about it.

Valuable Information from here onward (I promise):


To start, if you want to make any kind of serious profit ($1,000 or more per month) I highly suggest that you find a good domain name. You don’t have to buy a domain from someone and it doesn’t have to have any traffic coming to it, it should be name that people can trust.. otherwise you are only limiting your traffic before you get started. For example, a domain name such as ‘’ looks like spam and something that many people have learned to steer away from. Something like ‘’ would be much better than the first since it doesn’t have a dash ‘-‘ and comes across as a ‘central’ place to find information for a given ‘product’.

Secondly, if you limit yourself to a single product then you are limiting your profits long term. For example, choosing ‘’ is a great domain name but very limiting to ‘rock and roll’, why not chose something like ‘’ and offer all all genres in every decade? You can start with Rock and Roll but down the road your domain name will not limit you to just that genre.

As you’re trying to figure out a good domain name with maximum potential you have to consider how the idea itself and the options you have to create a website around it will impact your online presence. For example, if you chose ‘’ you might build a table on your website that lists each year in the 1970’s and the most popular band that year. You may not realize this but if you were to do this you would likely show up #1 in google for ‘1970’s best rock and roll album’ and 100’s of other phrases that will become the foundation for your success BUT ‘1981 best rock band’ will be irrelevant as far as the search engines are concerned. Don’t worry about ‘keywords’ and start thinking about ‘phrases’, a domain such as ‘’ allows you to target all years, all genres and an unlimited number of phrases which will gain you an exponential online presence in the search engines.

Everything that I’ve spoken about so far is in preparation for you to chose a great domain name with as many options as possible. It is probably more important to chose an idea that interests you than a domain name that gives you more options for profit. Trust me, I’ve been doing this for a while and sometimes I hang up my hat before I even get started on promoting my sites because of limited interest. You really need to love what you’re doing and be passionate about it as it requires a lot of time and work as well as many frustrations. I’ve walked away from too many profit generating sites because of boredom than I care to discuss, your level of interest has to be a top priority weighed into your decisions.

I have a lot of topics to dig into when I start my video sessions but I have given you a taste of where I’m about to take these sessions so I hope this interests you and you follow me so that you can participate and start making money on your own with some basic concepts. This is not intended for beginners or experts for that matter.. I want to inform you how I have been able to be successful but not educate anyone on basics. I want the feedback about the options I haven’t explored yet but it should be constructive vs. criticism as the intent here is to share what I’ve had success with.

If you’re interested in other preparation work that I’m doing to prepare for the  sessions then take a look at and start thinking of the opportunities and or questions for the sessions!

As for the timing of these sessions it will be dictated by the number of followers.. I’ll prepare the sessions but I won’t start them until I have 30 people participating so I’m guessing that I need approximately 100 or more followers to make it worthwhile. Spread the word!

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